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University of Oxford

University Overview

In the UK, Oxford University is one of the world’s best and most famous universities. It is renowned for its academic brilliance, research accomplishments, and dynamic intellectual community and has a history of over 900 years. It provides various postgraduate and undergraduate degrees in arts, sciences, humanities, medical sciences, engineering, and other fields.

The academic departments and faculties of the university are well-known for having outstanding faculty members who are prominent specialists in their respective disciplines.

The university is particularly well-known for its library and collections, which are among the world’s biggest and most comprehensive

University Facts

Courses offered

  • Archaeology and Anthropology (BA)

    Over three years, Oxford's particular blend of archaeology and anthropology provides an extraordinarily comprehensive view of human cultures from early antiquity. This course offers a deep knowledge about the richness and variety of human cultural exposure over place and time.

  • Psychology (Experimental)(BA)

    The study of psychology at Oxford is approached scientifically, emphasizing the rigorous development and examination of hypotheses. It does not rely on introspection but on experiments and thorough observation.

  • Biochemistry (Molecular and Cellular) MBioChem

    The Biochemistry Department at Oxford University is the most important in Europe, including various research areas. The department provides outstanding research and teaching facilities, good digital resources and access to various online and print periodicals.

  • Asian and Middle Eastern Studies(BA)

    The courses include the primary traditions and cultural tendencies of the places examined and their recent developments in most instances. All courses include linguistic, literary, historical, and cultural studies.

  • Music(BA)

    You can learn music via reading, listening, performing, and creating. You can produce music in all forms - acoustic, electronic, individually and communally while working with world-class experts and local communities.

  • Classics(BA)

    Oxford has the biggest Classics Faculty and curriculum in the world, with excellent teaching, library, and museum resources. The Ashmolean Museum, Bodleian Art, Archaeology, Ancient World Library, and Classics Centre include resources. The course covers ancient languages to read works in their original form.

  • Modern Languages and Linguistics(BA)

    This course enables students to study one current language in detail while also learning about linguistics, the science of language. Your study will include increasing your practical language abilities to an advanced level and exploring the culture and literature of the language of your choice.

  • Theology and Religion(BA)

    Through completing this, you will be able to learn the intellectual foundations upon which religious traditions are built and the social and cultural settings within which religious belief and practice are placed.

  • Philosophy, Politics and Economics(BA)

    PPE is a degree that gives you much freedom to make your way through it. You could choose to focus on two areas or even three. You can also study various subjects under the broad topics of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.

  • History of Art (BA)

    This Oxford degree is aimed to give unique insights into a broad spectrum of international art, leveraging knowledge from multiple University faculties, University collection workers, and the department itself.