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KIMEP University

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KIMEP University


The largest and most prestigious North American-style university in Central Asia, KIMEP University was established in 1992. 13 undergraduate programs, 11 master’s programs, 4 doctoral programs, and 1 DBA degree program are all taught in English and have received national and international accreditation from FIBAA. With nearly 160 institutions in North America, Europe, and East Asia, KIMEP offers connections and relationships that include faculty visits, exchange and dual degree programs, forums and possibilities for joint research, faculty exchanges, and international summer school programs. For talented students, KIMEP also offers a variety of scholarships and financial aid alternatives. In its 25 years of operation, KIMEP has graduated more than 11,000 highly qualified students. Nearly 95% of graduates find jobs within three to six months of graduation, which gives it the highest employment record among higher education institutions in the nation.

The language center at KIMEP offers instruction in a variety of foreign languages as well as preparation for exams for internationally recognized language and university entrance certificates, including the TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, GRE, SAT, English for All, English for Kids, and Intensive English. 

KIMEP University works hard to offer a priceless educational experience for all of its students and professors by utilizing a robust support system that includes a top-notch Language Center, the largest English-language library in the CIS, a contemporary Sports Center, and much more. With a stellar reputation throughout Kazakhstan and the surrounding area, KIMEP University is the premier autonomous CIS academic institution with a North American aesthetic. It has numerous relationships with prestigious international universities in North America, Europe, and Asia as well as strong ties to the business community.

Courses offered